Social media seems like a liability here. Not merely unhelpful, but a quantifiable liability that serves capital, promotes isolation and fragmentation, and has people do the unpaid labor of surveilling themselves on behalf of corporate and state interests. Anarchism does not center brand building and grifting, or functionally allow for the creation of personality cults, which cuts against basically all of the realistic implementations of social media that could potentially benefit an individual user or local group. Acquiescing to its usage, then, is inherently counterinsurgent.
Probably the same can be said for Medium, so it's ironic I'm even writing this, but here we are.
I would like to know what a clever solution to this issue of spreading ideas without fueling the very systems that destroy consensus building and solidarity looks like, but I haven't discovered it. Setting up shop and asking $18 for a copy of "The Conquest of Bread" can't be it.